Arihant NCERT MCQs Bhartiye Artvyavastha (Indian Economy)for UPSC, State PSCs, and Other competitive exams Class 6 -12 (Old + New) | (Hindi Medium)(Paperback, Experts Compilation)
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For Civil Services and other competitive Examinations, NCERT plays a major role in building the basic understanding of all the concepts. Though NCERTs have practice questions and exercises at the end, but they aren�t enough to test your understanding. So, to fulfill this need, Arihant brings the 2nd edition of �NCERT MCQs� series, offering a comprehensive approach to practice the core subject required for the exam. This edition for �Bhartiya Arthvyavastha� subject provides class 6 to 12 old and new NCERTs in MCQ format, featuring Level of questions as per the preliminary examinations of Civil Services and various Public Service Commission Questions are arranged in chapter wise manner 100% detailed solution to each question Compilation of additional questions from Tamil Nadu Board and NIOS books 3 practice sets for complete practice related to the subjects Includes Mind maps for conceptual clarity